Planning to celebrate the life of Sally Sheets

The family of Sally Ann Miller Sheets will be announcing plans for a virtual celebration of life soon.

We know Sally’s life had an immeasurable impact and we hope to cultivate a space where we can (virtually) gather to celebrate her with all who knew our mom and wife.

While it is customary for a grieving family to outsource the sacred work of preparing such a space, as a family of ministers, we are honored to feel called and equipped ourselves. Such a task will take some time to do well and in a manner that honors the unique gift that is Sally Ann Miller Sheets.

Before long we will announce the date and time for this live virtual celebration and details on how you can access the service should you be unable to attend the live format. In the meantime, we have set up this space for you to share your memories and express your sorrow and joy. Our family will return here for years to come to be ministered to by your contributions.

We know that cards are an important custom for many, so we welcome your notes that way as well!

You can send them to:
Paul Sheets Family
2856 Troxelville Rd
Middleburg PA 17842
